Getting ready for NaNoWriMo

I haven’t decided if I’m going to participate in National Novel Writing Month this year.  Well, I know a 50,000 word month would be really good for me, just like it was great for me last year.  I have a TON of work left on Impervious and getting 50,000 words of it done would be great, but I’d also like to get 50,000 words of Unstoppable (the third book of the series) done as well.  It is something of a conundrum right now.

Still, in November I want to try and kick out 50,000 words of something.  To that end, in the months leading up, I’m going to try getting used to writing at least 1000 words a day.  1000 words can actually happen pretty easy; an hour if I’m really on my game.  If I’m not on my game though, it can take up to two, even two and a half hours to actually finish.  My writing tends to go a lot smoother, though, if I write every night, or nearly every night, so that the story stays fresh in my head.  Getting going from a cold start like pushing a car up a steep hill.  In the winter.  And you just happen to be dead at the time.

Last week I did pretty well, writing most nights and getting at least something down.  I averaged about 500 words a night last week, which is alright for a start.  I got distracted from Impervious by  Edge of December by quite a while, but now I’m back in the groove and I think I can make some really solid progress before November.  Now, I don’t think I can have a second draft done by then, because, HO-LEE CRAP, there is a lot of work to do.  I’m hoping my third draft will be easier.  Then after that I’ll have to have an actual editor look it over before I ever even consider putting it out in the world for people to read.  You know what, I’m not even going to think about it for now.   For tonight, I’ve written my thousand words (and then some) and any night that I can do that I’m going to count as a solid win!  One more step to getting this book published!

Sometime this week, I’ll write up another blog post on my Big Plans for Impervious and its two sequels, including the first reveal of the series name, which Ravven made me come up with.  Until then, everyone enjoy the last of the weekend.


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