Impervious: Book 1 of The Iron Principles

Happy Saturday, everybody! I managed to drag myself out of my warm and supremely comfortable bed so that I could make it to Panera Bread and do some writing today. Unfortunately, I forgot my headphones, which means the buzz of conversation that I normally find comforting and focussing is more of a dull roar. Still, I will persist and do my best to transform thought into words. As always, caffeine doesn't help so much as keep my shambling shell moving.

Still, its Saturday and I promised a few details on the book I'm working on, Impervious. I've been working on it for about a year now and a half now, and managed to actually finish the first draft a few months ago. I was a little distracted for a bit, but have managed to start getting some real work done on the second draft. Some of you may know that I entered it in a contest for winners of National Novel Writing Month (when I wrote the majority of the first draft, some 50,000 words last November) held by the awesome Ravven and Rabia Gale.

That resulted in not only a fantastic cover for Impervious (thanks Ravven!) but also some terrific feedback on the first draft. Because of that feedback, I've done some major reworking of the plot, characters and world. What this means is that the second draft is likely to be a bigger undertaking than the first draft was since I not only need to rewrite almost everything, but also add another 40k – 60k words. Which, isn't as bad as it sounds, since doing that will make Impervious an awesome story.

Impervious was never going to be a stand alone novel though, and I needed to come up with a series name, and while I was at it, names for the next two books. So, here they are!

The Iron Principles: Impervious, Unstoppable, and Immovable

So, that's the scoop. Now, here's my plan.

In 2016, Worldcon, a global gathering for science fiction and fantasy writers, as well as agents and editors, is going to be in Kansas City. According to many other authors, this is THE place to go for making contacts, meeting people and potentially kickstarting a career. Its also going to be a ton of fun. Unfortunately, approaching editors and agents and telling them that you're “working” on a novel won't make them dance with glee and throw money at you. Being able to say that you've completed your first three book series, on the other hand, might be enough to garner some interest.

Therefore, my goal is to have Impervious, Unstoppable and Immovable finished by 2016. I'm sure that I've posted this somewhere or other a couple weeks ago when I learned about Worldcon. That's my goal. Which means I'm really going to have to buckle down and WORK. I'm just getting warmed up now, with at least a respectable word count in August. WordKeeperAlpha is going to help keep me honest and I'll probably get in some updates, but I'm going to be really buckling down on these books.

The 2nd draft of Impervious is underway, the 1st draft of Unstoppable is about 80% done, so I've got a good start. This November, I'm going to drop off the face of the earth for a month or so as I put some major effort into Immovable and after that, its back to the 2nd draft of Impervious. Then the 3rd, then 4th and so on. Its going to be exciting! So, back to work! There's a lot to do!



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