WordKeeperAlpha Update 12/2014

Wow… So this month has been a little bit crazy.  Yeah, National Novel Writing Month didn’t help, but MAN it’s been crazy for Word Keeper Alpha too.  Here I was, minding my own business, when I decide to look at my traffic numbers…because that’s how I validate my worth as a person… and I notice that they have tripled.  Not only that, but all of a sudden I started getting all sorts of email from WordKeeper users … granted, most of them wanted to know how to delete word counts (more on that in a bit) but they also seemed to like it!  You can ask my wife.  I’ve probably been super annoying over the last week or so.

One of the reasons is because I got linked by PCMag.com (this article, toward the bottom) and they said nice things about WKA! I’ve also been getting traffic in from other places like writing.com and the nanowrimo.org forums.  I’ve now got over 200 registered users, and my daily traffic has better than tripled!  I could not be more excited about this.  I’m just happy that people are finding and using this thing I made.

Of course, that means I have to keep polishing of the rough edges, and the roughest edge that’s been pointed out, so far, is that people can’t delete or update their word counts.  If you’re a user, and you’ve run into this, I really apologize.  Part of the problem of developing something to use yourself, is that you know exactly how to use it, and never consider that someone might come in, make a mistake, and then want a way to fix it.  I mean, everything makes perfect sense to me, the guy who made it… Yeah, I should have thought about that.  So, my bad.

Don’t leave in frustration!  I’ve read your emails (just the ones you sent me, the government is busy reading the rest) and this is my top priority now.  This weekend I’ll be rolling my programmer sleeves up (metaphorically, because my computer room gets DAMN cold) and getting this thing done.  I’ll put up a notice here, and on WKA when this function is out and ready to use.  After that, I’ll probably work on revamping how the goal graph works, so that you can use more than just the Monthly goal on it.

I’ve got even more stuff in the works, including a more organized and sensible About page, the ability to share your progress on your blog (bit bigger job that), public profile pages, collaboration and much more.  Trust me, my work on WordKeeperAlpha is far from finished and you will all reap the benefits.  Until then, I hope you enjoy using it.  Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments or get in touch via the Contact page.

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