WordKeeperAlpha Update – June 2015 Edition

Hey there, fellow Keepers. Yes, I’m calling you Keepers now. Shut up! You can’t tell me what to do! Ahem. Thought I’d give you all a heads up that I’ve just pushed out an update to the Progress page that should fix some problems that have been reported with Goals. This will also push out a some tweaks to how goals are displayed, and what you can do with them. Here are the salient points:

  • You can now create 1 day goals.  Going to be writing all day long, and have a specific goal for the day? Now you can do that.
  • You can now attach projects to repeating goals (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).
  • Goals are now sorted differently.  Repeating goals are in their own list.
  • More information is displayed for goals.  Should be helpful.  I don’t know, I like it.  Let me know what you think.

So, as per usual.  I’m a one man shop, you’re all my guinea pigs. I’ve done some testing on these changes, but chances are that I’ve missed something.  Really, I’m watching Daredevil right now, and thinking about playing another couple rounds of Heroes of the Storm…so, most likely, I broke something trying to fix other things.  Please, let me know if you notice if anything doesn’t work.

As always, I’m working on more updates and upgrades for WordKeeperAlpha.  I’m going to try and finish up with the API here in the near future, and get a working example for other people to work with.  Very soon, you should be able to put our your progress to your blog!  This month I kinda dropped the ball on working on all my projects, so in June I’ll be kicking up my efforts to make up for lost time.  If you’ve got ideas or comments, please, let me know here through the contact page on WordKeeperAlpha.

2 responses to “WordKeeperAlpha Update – June 2015 Edition”

  1. I just want to say, I really appreciate WKA – its been helping me a lot to keep on track with writing.

    I hope that public profiles are next on the list – and I don’t know if you’ve thought of it, but what about achievements as a future feature? Get badges for completing objectives – finished a project? Badge! Written for a month straight? Badge! Got to 100,000 words? You get the idea. Its an incentive for people to write. 🙂

    • Public profiles, and achievements are on the to do list 🙂 Honestly, the biggest problem with achievements is coming up with the badges. I’m not an artist in the visual sense. I either have to find a set to purchase, or a free to use set.

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