The Big Question: What’s the deal with the “Big Question”?

I am an author, which I like to pronounce just as haughtily as I can.  This is my blog, when, I don’t think I can really make sound snotty since everyone and their cat has a blog.  What this means though, is that, by in large, this is going to be a blog about writing and my experiences with it.  Less the day-to-day, and more the week-to-week of what I’m doing and how I’m doing it.  In a way, this will be just as much for me as it will be for my…well, right now, no readers.

I think it will be a moderately interesting journey.  You see, to date, I haven’t published anything.  I haven’t finished a book, not even a first draft.  What I’ve done is had skads and skads of ideas, written hundreds of pages worth of stuff that has never amounted to anything.  Thing is, I turned thirty this year.  My ultimate goal is to become a professional author and be able to live on the means that provides, writing full time.  If I’m going to do that, then its high time I go off my butt and started putting some actual printable material together.  More than that, I need people who are interested in reading  what I write.  Thus a blog.

So, here’s what I’m doing as I take a journey from unpublished, unknown schlub to super-famous ultra-author drinking martini’s in my summer home in the Bahamas (Note: I know this is never going to happen, since it doesn’t happen for anyone except movie stars and I couldn’t tell you what an “ultra-author” actually is); I’m going to attempt to update the blog at least once a week and ask myself, what was the biggest question I tackled this week.  It might be an issue having to deal with my characters. Maybe it will be something having to deal with the world.  Maybe one week I deal with my own personal questions of whether I’m going to pursue traditional publishing or the more and more appealing route of e-publishing.  You’ll undoubtedly hear some stuff about Edge of December and the fun and challenges of writing for an awesome web-comic.  I may even go off topic.  Ok, I’m A.D.D., so I will go off topic.  Until then, I’m hoping you enjoy what you see.


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