The Big Question: What are my goals for 2012?

Alright, so granted, its not a question that’s strictly about writing, but it’s the subject of this week’s entry.  I actually started writing this last week, but life kind of went and kicked me in the face.  Turns out there are some things that will just kill the impulse that I have to write.  One of those things turns out to be an eight hour car ride.  No matter how good the ride, or how pleasant the company, something like that will sand-blast the creative drive right out of your brain. The most complicated thing I was capable of doing was shoving knives into the backs of pixelated bad guys. Which, I love doing anyway, but that will perhaps be a blog or rant for a different time

At any rate, I digress.  This is going to be a big year for me.  How do I know?  Well, a lot of things are going to change.  First and foremost, I’m going to marry the most awesome woman in the history of mankind ever.  I will fight you over this.  Tonight she agreed with my idea to have boxes of Legos at the tables for our wedding reception for guests to play with.  Put very simply, I win.  Nyah nyah.  Bragging aside, though, (well, never really aside since I’ll be doing more of it in the months to come) going from single to married represents the biggest shift in my life since I went to college.  Things is gonna be different, but in a very good way, I think.

Beyond marriage though, things are going to change in how I approach writing.  First and foremost, I’m going to be writing more.  A lot more.  Last year I tried out a weekly word count of 3500 words.  This worked pretty well and I kept to it about two out of every three weeks.  Sometimes less, sometimes more, but I got a lot of work, and story done.  In fact, I’d have most of a book done now if I didn’t decide that it needed some heavy revision and that it needed to be taken back to square one.  That’s besides the point.  Point is, I set a goal, and shit got done, son.  Maybe not as much as I wanted, but stuff happened.  Also, I started writing for Edge of December, which has been an entirely different experience.  I’ve had to get to know a little script writing and focus a lot more on dialogue, background, and a couple dozen other different things.  It has been, and is going to continue to be a lot of fun.

This year, I’m going to continue to build on that model.  This is going to be the year of the writer.  In December I completed a 25k writing challenge.  Yeah, you can point and laugh at me all you want you NaNoWriMo winners, but this is big stuff for me.  I pounded out ten chapters of Impervious in 31 days and I intend to build on that success. So, here’s what I’m going to do this year:

First, I’m going to do six 25k months, every other month, except in June because, ya know, I’m getting married and that’ll take up just a little time.  Just a bit.  Second, I’m going to complete Impervious, making it my first completed novel.  Third, I’m going to write, and prepare for submission two other short stories.  Forth, I’m still going to be writing for Edge of December, just more.  This is a tall list of goals, but I think they’re doable.  I’ll write on Impervious during 25k months and work on my other goals in the off months.  If I keep to this, I can easily have the first draft of Impervious done by the end of July.  I don’t know now what I’ll work on after that, but it would be extremely exciting.  I’m also going to keep blogging on a regular basis.  Hopefully not as long as this monster, but we’ll see what happens.  I’m an author and pretty long winded once I get going.  So, there you have it.  In a nutshell, I’m going to get married and write my butt off this year!  If I can do all of that, then next year might even see me published, even if only self-published.  Who knows.  Maybe by that time someone will even be reading my blog.  Though, I’m not going to hold my breath.


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