Yeah…so about that…Mass Effect 3

So, it’s been much more than a week since I updated the ol’ blog here, and I apologize for that. All I can say in my defense is that things have been a little busy around here…and yes, I got Mass Effect 3. Look, there’s a galaxy in dire need of saving and I don’t have very good self-control when it comes to actually putting down the controller once it’s been picked up.

I’m thoroughly in love with the world of Mass Effect. Its just good sci fi. Well written, awesome characters and some real good emotional engagement. I’d pre-ordered the game, but I was committed to doing another play-through of 1 and 2 before I dug into 3, just so I was ready and had what I thought was the “correct” story progress when I started. I should never have opened the package. From that point on it was a lost cause and FemShep was on the job again, meaning that I was no longer on the job.

In non-video game related topics, I made it out of February with 23,000 words finished. While that fell a little short of my 25,000 word goal I still feel pretty good about myself. Impervious has 16 full chapters completed, which is more than I’ve ever written on one story before. Ok, I may have written way more words, in total, for City of the Sorcerers, but most of that was rewriting things that I’d already written. Impervious continues to make steady progress at a pace that makes me think that at least the 1st draft will be done by the end of the year.

Right now, I’m focusing most of my efforts on Edge of December. We’ve got a new chapter starting in a week or so, and a new Saga shortly there-after. We’re getting into material in the comic that’s been born completely in my fevered imagination, so I’m getting really excited to see it play out visually. Also, I’m working on a short story that will be exclusively available in the third eBook as an extra. That’s proving more of a challenge than I originally thought it would since its a story that’s following a character that is only secondary at this point. Keeping everything in canon, interesting, and leaving enough for future volumes is a huge challenge.


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