Making the move

Not much writing news for this week. The fiancé and I have spent the last week moving. I feel bad, but its really hard to want to do anything besides collapse after you’ve gone up and down three flights of stairs a dozen times carrying heavy boxes. I’ve had a short story for Edge of December that I’ve been trying to get work done on, but I’ve been making less progress on it than I’d like. To add to the general mess and business I’m trying to find a new job, a situation that I hope will be resolved soon.

I know, this sounds like a lot of excuses for not writing, and truth be told its just that. I didn’t set any writing goal for the month; no word count that I had to hit or project that I would absolutely have done. I think that’s a large part of why I haven’t actually been accomplishing anything in terms of producing a word count. That being said, April is coming, and I’m going to be so poor from paying double rent that I won’t be able to afford to do anything other than sit at home and write for the first two weeks or so.

While I haven’t been making time for my writing, I have been making time for reading. You can usually keep up with what’s in my queue with the little Goodreads widget on my homepage, or by following me on Goodreads. Once Impervious is ready to go, I’ll need a few followers to spread the good word. That’ll be a while, but it will happen, sometime next year I’m hoping. Anyway…books! I just got done with the Dragonflight, first of the Dragonriders of Pern series by the amazing Anne McCaffrey. I haven’t read this one since I was in high school and now I remember why I loved them so much. I’m not even going to bother anything like a review of Dragonflight, because I can’t possibly say anything that hasn’t been said before. Its a sci-fi classic for a reason. If you haven’t read them, do. Now, I’m reading The Hunger Games, because just about everyone I know is telling me that its worth my time and so far I have to agree with them. Coming late into the game though its hard to avoid spoilers, but I’m doing my best.

While we’re on the subject of books, I noticed on the Twitters today that the Harry Potter eBooks are FINALLY on sale. I mean…really. Publishers, you can’t complain that the HP books were the most pirated in the world. Do you know why? Because it was impossible to buy them before now. I would have thrown money at you the instant I got my Kindle if they would have been available before now…so, this fail is on you. For the record, I didn’t go out and download them, as I have them in physical form…just saying. If you want my money, then make it easy for me to give it to you and get the product that you want me to buy in the first place. Alright…now that I’ve spent a little time on the soapbox, I should actually get to writing. I’ll let you know how that goes next week.


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