Writers Block and the smashing thereof

Bleh. So, here we are ten days into my 25k word writing challenge and I've barely gotten 2k written. The reason? First off, after not writing for so long its incredibly hard to put down the video game controller and actually get back to work. Half of why I was doing so well in previous months was that I was writing on an almost nightly basis, regular as clockwork. I had words and those words wanted to escape from my brain through my fingers. For the past couple months those words have been building up and have found their way out via other outlets…mostly though killing lots and lots of demons in Diablo 3. The words don't get out…exactly, but the brain is distracted through the gaining of levels and the finding of loot. Its one of the reasons that I've sworn off MMO's.

Another problem with taking such a long break is that most of the details and flow of story that used to be right at the front of my brain has faded completely into the background. I figured all I'd have to do is read the last few chapters that I'd written and I'd be able to just pick up where I left off, easy as falling down. Nope.

I realize now this is exactly what happened to City of the Sorcerers. I'd get an awesome idea, work like crazy and write a chapter or two. I'd burn through the words, excited that I was finally getting it done, but then I'd hit a block and stop. I'd stop for a week, or a month as I tried to figure something out. I wouldn't write, telling myself that I couldn't write until I'd figured things out and could go on. But by the time I'd figure things out, I'd lose the flow, or whatever you want to call it. And eventually, I just decided to put the story on hiatus until I could figure everything out, because I had more interesting projects to work on.

Was that a mistake? I don't know, maybe? Its hard to say it was because, until recently, Impervious was coming along so dang smooth. Until I stopped writing it. And now I've got that feeling that I felt so often with CoS. The difference this time is that I'm not going to table it. I've got sixteen chapters written so far; the first act of the story is almost done. There's too much done, to shelve it and say, move to a different project. There is but one thing to do. Ahem…


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