If you don’t succeed…

You know the rest. I didn't make last month's goal of 25,000 words. If you want excuses I have plenty; my computer dying, my own distractibility, and others. Honestly, the self destruction of my computer probably did more than anything else to stop me from reaching goal. My computer is one of the things that can destroy my concentration more than anything else. The silly thing died and I just couldn't focus on anything else until it was up and running again, which destroyed what would have been two of my best days of writing. This, boys and girls, is why I try and write away from home. Less distractions often leads to more productivity.

That being said, I'm starting another 25k word month, this time I'm getting started before the 10th of the month. With a good start, I should easily be able to reach goal and its going to be some very good writing. Edge is just about ready for a new chapter to be written, Impervious is right in the middle of an awesome action scene where the main protagonists finally meet (and possibly get in some really good fights). I've got a little momentum going again, so I should be able to jump right in and get to work.

In other news, big things are happening over at Edge of December as we're gearing up for our first Con's. Glenn's going to be going to Tuscon Comicon while I hold down the fort at Anime-Nebraskon. We're busy putting together various things to sell, new art, posters and biggest of all, new physical books! Though they aren't widespread, there is a physical, Edge of December Volume 1 that is full of pretty, wonderful art and extras that you just can't find on the site. Our goal, audacious as it is, is to hold a Kickstarter, get funded, and then get books two and three back from the printers before the Cons in November! Crazy! Ambitious! Perhaps undoable… but y'know what. Screw that undoable noise.

One of the reasons that I admire Glenn is because he dreams big, he thinks big. I tend to be more conservative in my goals, and that, perhaps, hampers what I am able to accomplish. So, though it'll be a ton of work, I'm dedicated to seeing Books 2 and 3 available to the fine people of the conventions by November. Just doing that will do more for Edge than most of our efforts over the last year or so since I started writing. Its scary, thinking of everything that we're going to have to do, but its also exciting as well. Its rather trite and and a cliché, but “Those who dare, do.” So, I'm off to dare, and in so doing, accomplishing what we set out to do. Away!

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