Quick NaNoWriMo update

Salutations peasants! It is I, your mighty blogger king, finally returned from my quest for … y'know stuff. Thanks for not rebelling in my absensce or burning stuff to the ground. That was awful considerate of you. Also, in your place I completely would have burned something down. Just sayin'. But I'm back, and so are all the guards and also Steve the headsman. So everybody back to work or Steve get's all choppy.

Speaking of work, we're now nine days into November which means that we're nine days into National Write a Novel Month. I'm participating for the second time this year, after my fantastic, if unofficial, win last year. This year I've got a daily goal of 2000 words a day to help me build up a nice buffer for later in the month when Thanksgiving happens and I can't write for three days.

So far I have 14977 words written, which means I'm about a day ahead (since its the start of the day and I have yet to write). My wife hasn't seen much of me since the beginning of the month, but I think she's enjoying that.

I'm keeping it short today, because I've got other words to write that are not blog type words. I'll check in here every few days with a quick update, if for posterity more than anything else. To anyone else participating in NaNoWriMo, good luck and keep writing!

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