Time to get started … again.

Hello every one. Well, the holiday break is over and its time to get started on my goals for this year. Before we get to that, I'm happy to report that I got plenty of work done on WordKeeper; finishing design on several new form elements, partially working out what I want to do with the social aspect and getting started on the actual code that will make the whole thing run. It's still got a ways to go before its ready to see daylight, but when it does it will be pretty awesome. The initial release was alwasy intended to be something more of an alpha version anyway; just me tossing ideas at a wall and seeing what worked and what didn't. This will be much closer to what I wanted to do and then some. Granted, my design work leaves a lot to be desired, but I'm hoping that it will be functional more than anything else.

If this version of WordKeeper works, and I can actually manage to get it a little traction with a good user base, I've got long term plans for a version 3.0 where I get a professional designer to tackle the user interface, produce some actual artwork and assetts for me. Right now though? I'm a LONG ways away from being able to afford something like that.

Today I'm taking for my first official writing day of the year. I'm putting my story from NaNoWriMo on the back burner for the time being, while I focus on getting the second draft of Impervious done and work on the writing for Edge of December. My big goal for the year is to finish Impervious and get it to a point where I can either self-publish or start sending it off to publishers. I've got a lot to do with it before then, so its time to get working.

This year I also want to do some additional short story work, maybe try another couple submissions or even try putting something up on WattPad and start getting my name out there a little more. Last year was a great year, but I still wasn't as productive as I wanted to be. That being said, I'm going to focus on building what I started last year and really pushing myself to do more. Video games are great and all, but they aren't getting me anywhere closer to my goals, so I'm going to try limiting my time spent playing some more, making sure that I do my writing every night before I let myself start playing. And yes, I know that these are all things that I've said before, and will probably say again, but as long as I'm trying, I think I'll be doing a pretty good job.

In blog news, you should be seeing things change around here sooner or later as I get a little style actually injected into this poor old beast. I need to get something up besides the default WordPress theme up, and I'm happy to say that should be happening pretty soon. If all goes well, I should have a space up for posting stories that I've been wanting to share, and maybe a few other things. I'm looking forward to 2014 being a really good year. Who wants to tag along?


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