Feels good!

I don’t know why its so damn hard to write some nights.  Really, its just sitting my butt down in my comfy foof chair, and starting to type.  That’s not actually hard.  Its very easy, in fact!  Plus, I always feel awesome after I’ve done it.  Any length of time, any word count, doesn’t matter.  It feels great to make any sort of progress on any of the stories that I’m working on.

Ugh… So, yeah.  My word count this month, sucks pretty hard.  I suppose Phoenix Comicon is partially to blame for taking almost a week away from me.  I went with high hopes of doing some writing at night, even brought some of the chapters with me that I’m in the process of reworking for the second draft of Impervious.  That plan DID NOT survive first contact with the enemy, and by enemy I mean Con.  Writing may feel great, and be easy once I actually start doing it, but, good grief, does working a Con ever take it out of you.  Anything that wasn’t sitting and moving as little as possible was a Herculean task.  Any way, I got behind, and so far I’ve stayed behind.

That ends tonight though.  I just got done writing over 800 words, which aside from a blog post the other week, is the most I’ve done all month.  My goal, is to crack 10,000 this month, with most of that being on the second draft of Impervious.  Actual writing.  Not outlining, or character description, or plotting but actual new material.  Really, for as long as I’ve been working on that I’ve gotten not enough done.  I want the third draft done by the end of the year, which means I’ve really got to get serious.  If only I had all the bits of WordKeeper working that I wanted working, I’d be able to tell exactly how many words I had to write to get it done on time.  Ah well, that’s weekend work.  Writing is for week nights!

Alright.  Short post this week, but there it is.  I’m back writing, and I want 10,000 words of Impervious done by the end of the month.  Can I do it?  Stay tuned to find out.


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