WordKeeperAlpha Updates

New Graph 1

Hey, everyone! I thought I’d pop on to let you know what’s been going on with WordKeeperAlpha since I went live a couple weeks ago.  I’ll admit, I probably got a little overexcited wanting to get it out and live in the real (digital) world.  There were some unfinished, unpolished bits, a few more bugs than I would have liked but my users (new and old) have been great at reporting them to me.  Here’s a couple things that I’ve done over the past couple weeks.

  • Added a tutorial for new users, currently stationed at http://wordkeeperalpha.com/about.aspx.  I’ve got some more plans and updates for this coming in the near future.
  • Finished the Author page.  Right now, its only used to update your email and change your password.  Later I’ll be adding sharing options.
  • Fixes to the registration / password change system.  Now you can feel free to use more complicated passwords.  Use strong passwords for everything, even for WordKeeper.
  • Finished fully integrating the sights new SSL Certificate.  I take everyone’s security seriously, and I’ll take every step I know how to do to make sure people are safe on WKA.
  • Made some changes (technical stuff) that just about halved the sites load time.
  • Various bug fixes.  Thanks for telling me about them!  The more you tell me about, the better WKA will work. 🙂

What I’m working on right now:

  • Updates to project deletion.  There were a few things I didn’t really think through enough, so there should be some updates coming.
  • Enter a word count on the wrong day?  Want to attribute it to a project that you just made?  I’m working on that.
  • Facebook sharing option.
  • Various other tweaks and fixes.

I’m going to have to work out exactly when and how I put out updates with new features…but then since its just me, I can keep something of a change log on here and ignore some of the standard doctrine with software release.  Right now, I’m leaning toward putting up one of these status updates every month.  This has the benefit of directing more people to my blog… Look, those reader stats are like crack!  Just gotta see how many people are using and reading and… *calms breathing*  I’m ok… I’m ok.  God… I may have a problem with numbers and the graphing thereof.

In other news, I’ve much more than doubled the number of registered users since launch … which sounds good on paper but there’s still under a hundred users, and probably only a handful who are active every day.  Still, its great my usage stats get to the point where the average is above even the highest peak for the last version of WordKeeper.  If you didn’t know, yes there was a previous version and it sucked.  It was hideous and as proud as I was when I first made it, I hate it now.  Anyway, the average user session is around 6 minutes now which is AWESOME.  The drop rate (when someone comes to the site then leaves after viewing the first page) is always WAY down.  Amazingly so, in fact.  Really, I never expected WordKeeper to become an overnight success, so I’m really happy that people I’ve never met are using it and seemingly liking it.

Now that I’m done tooting my own horn, it’s time for me to ask you to start tooting my horn.  … …  That sounds awkward, but we’re all friends now, right?  Ok.  Maybe we’re not THAT good of friends.  Still, if you like WordKeeperAlpha, consider sharing it on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.  Consider giving my Facebook page a like, or following along on Twitter.  These little things help spread the word and also make me feel better about myself as a person.

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