Quick WordKeeperAlpha Update

NaNo 2014

I haven't been doing much work on WKA lately, mostly because this build seems pretty stable for the time being. Analytics say that I've got a fair amount of users now, at least compared to the last version, whick makes me pretty happy. Honestly, I am really happy with how things are working now. It does everything that I wanted it to do, and a bit more. I'm finding it very handy for my own wriiting, though I suppose your own milleage may vary.

Right now, we're about four days away from the start of National Novel Writing Month, and though I won't be participating (i.e. starting a new story) I will be attempting to write the full fifty thousand words, which means that for the next month, at least, I won't have much time for working on Word Keeper. I will, of course, find time to fix any bugs that crop up between now and the end of November, but I probably won't devote any serious development time until at least the beginning of November.

In all reality, I probably won't do any more serious development on WKA until after the new draft of Imperious is finished. This is mostly because I wasnted to have the second draft done months ago, with the third draft firmly underway by now. Part of the reason that didn't happen is because I sidelined that project due to work on Word Keeper, so now, it only seems right that I refocus my efforts on my own writing now that the program is in a relatively stable and complete state. At my current rate, I'm looking at having the second draft finished sometime early on next year … at least, assuming I make my fifty thousand word goal next month.

In regards to that, I'm doing pretty good. I'm doing my prep work, just like I would for NaNoWriMo, doing my best to write on a regular basis. Undoubtedly, friends and wife will be annoyed with me as a go into a state, of “non-existence” once the first hits, but what can you do? Writing must happen.

So, there it is. The Word Keeper you see right now is the one you can look forward to using for the next couple of months as I get Impervious in order. Starting sometime earlier on next year, look for some updates, including more social features, UI improvements, and more graphing options. I've got a lot of great ideas, and I intend to do a lot of polishing next year. Until then, everyone have an awesome NaNoWriMo and donate! The only reason I can do the things I've done is because they've done a lot of work and done awesome things first.


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