Quick WordKeeperAlpha Status update

You know how you’re all ready to sit down and spend a rainy day writing at the coffee shop, you get there, and sit around for an hour just staring at your computer?  Yeah.  That’s where I am right now.  So, while my writing brain is spinning up, figuring out how to start this new chapter, I thought I would pop in and give you an update on what’s going on with WordKeeperAlpha!

Lets start off with ongoing issues.  I know there’s a problem with the site not remembering people past a couple hours.  That’s not supposed to be happening and I’ve been working on it for the longest period of time.  Its frustrating, for both you and for me, but as yet, I don’t know what the heck is going on.  I’ve tried out half a dozen different solutions, but nothing has really seemed to stick.  Rest assured, I’m looking into it.

The goal graph continues to be something that I’m working on.  Right now, the only goal it tracks is a monthly recurring goal without a project.  My aim is to have it so that you can have that track any Goal or Project, potentially seeing many different Goal graphs and selecting what you want to see as your default.  I’m also thinking of changing the goal graph to be the default graph, to be more like NaNoWriMo and provide a bit more motivation.  Still, this is a ways away from being fully functional.

New features:  I’m most focused on finishing up the API right now.  For those of you who aren’t coders, this will be a feature that will let you get your Project and Goal information and progress on other sites.  Once this is done, you’ll (or a coder acquiantance of yours) will be able to create a WordPress plugin or widget that gives a live feed of information off WordKeeperAlpha, so you can share your projects and progress with whoever you want.  Don’t worry, this will be something that you have to enable in your user settings page, so if you don’t want that data available, then it will stay safe.

I’m always refactoring the code for the site as I learn new techniques, but every time I do that, potential errors sneak into the code.  A special thanks to my users who report those problems to me as they occur.  I’m a one man team, so its all but impossible to catch everything. :-/

Social features are on the way, starting with the API, but then moving into public author pages, “friends”, writing groups, challenges and events.  My main focus, at the moment is finishing Impervious, but soon as that and the API are done, I’ll start in on some of the features that will allow more community involvement on WordKeeperAlpha.

Thanks to everyone who’s been using WordKeeperAlpha.  I’m up to over 400 registered users now, which is WAY more than I thought I would have by this time.  As always, I’m interested in your feedback, and can’t wait to hear about what you think of WKA and how it can help you write more and better.  Till next time, keep writing! 

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