WordKeeperAlpha – Bugfix (August Edition)

A Bug from Starship Troopers

Just a quick update today.  Today’s update should, finally, fix the bug that kept people from having their sessions last longer than thirty minutes or so.  So, now if you check the ‘Remember Me’ button will make sure that when you leave, you won’t have to log in again.  Added bonus! I upgraded the security!

So, no new features to report today, but they are on the way.  I’ve had a really good suggestion for the new Projects page, and I’m excited about bringing you more features.  More updates, coming soon!

Edit: I’m aware that the latest update has broken a few things.  I’ll figure out what’s going on as soon as I can, but I won’t be at my computer for a few hours.  Please bear with me just a little and we’ll be back to normal soon.

Edit, the second: Just pushed out another update that should fix the bug.  Let me know in the comments, twitter or facebook if you notice anything else I need to attend to. Thanks for your patience!

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