WordKeeperAlpha update: Ending the long silence

Oif. I did not mean to go this long without an update.  My wife and I purchased a house earlier this month and we’re just getting to the point where we can afford some time in the evening to relax.  I only just got my desk into a state that I can use it… meaning that I still have to put the drawers together, and set up half a dozen other different things.  This all means that I haven’t really done any work on WordKeeperAlpha since … August?  I don’t really know… I’m still kind of exhausted from running around everywhere.  This is the most I’ve written in the last month and I feel terrible about it.


So. Nothing has really changed on WordKeeperAlpha since last months update.  I’m still getting reports of a bug on the Goals and Projects page.  I kind of know what’s causing it…but I also don’t really know how I’m going to fix it yet.  The bug manifests as the page throwing an error and not loading, which is bad.  The good news is, if you come back the next day its worked itself out.  So, if it happens to you, don’t fret!  If you come back the next day you’ll be back in business.  This isn’t saying that it isn’t a priority for me to fix, just give me another week or so to get back on my feet here.

Obviously, NaNoWriMo is coming up, and I want to participate this year.  I have no idea what I’m going to be writing yet, but I’m leaning toward something new, since a month away from Impervious has killed my velocity on it anyway.  We’ll see.  October is starting and I want to get back into things with a 20,000 word month, get all warmed up for NaNo but given all the work around the house that probably isn’t going to happen.  Still, I’m going to get writing again.

I’d like to have the new Goals and the new Projects page live before NaNoWriMo…but wisdom tells me that launching a major new feature right before I’m going to be super busy writing and the site will probably be seeing some of its highest traffic all year is not a smart thing to do.  So, I’ll spend some time in October plugging the holes in the current functionality and maybe toss together that updated About and Home page that I’ve been wanting to do.  Trust me, new stuff is coming and it’s coming soon.  I’ve just been … busy is a woefully inadequate word…but busy.  Now that I have my computer back and a modicum of time, I will be able to keep you better updated as to happenings as well.

So fear not! I’m not gone! WordKeeperAlpha is only going to keep getting better and better, only now I’m going to be working on it from the comfort of my very own house!

Phew! Writing all that was hard work.  I think I need to go lie down for a while.  Probably just go to bed.  See you later, Keepers.

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