I need your help to publish Impervious!

This is something of a flash update, since I’m still busily finishing the second draft of Impervious. Thankfully, that’s coming right along and I’m nearing completion on it. I’m going to finish chapter 38 tonight or tomorrow, then keep on pushing right through till WorldCon.

The real reason for this post though, is that Inkshares finally started their Fantasy contest with partner Geek & Sundry (purveyor of fine geeky goods). Going with the theory that you miss one hundred percent of the opportunities you don’t take, I’m throwing Impervious’ metaphorical hat in the ring!

So, long story short: The three books with the most individual pre-orders get published, then Geek & Sundry get to choose what book they want to join their “collection”, works they promote with their own brand. I want that. I want that tasty, tasty prize. As things stand now, I’m number four with six readers and I want to push myself into the number two spot by tomorrow. For this, I need the help of wonderful people like yourselves.

Here’s how you do that.

If you aren’t familiar with Inkshares, it’s a crowdsourcing option for authors that has you sell pre-orders to basically prove a book is worthy of publication. Reach a certain number, and they’ll edit, give cover services, do a print run, the whole shebang. The contest, is all about who can get the most pre-orders. The top 3 get published, even if they don’t reach the goal of 750 pre-orders.

This requires you to basically buy up front, but if I don’t reach the goal in 90 days, you get your money back. Zero risk to you. And if you back my book in the contest, you should get some Inkshares credits to buy other books in their catalogue, or back another author’s book who you also think looks good. You might even get more credits for referring my book to others. I’ve backed a few books, and the system seems decent (though you’d expect me to say something like that, wouldn’t you?)

Not only does pre-ordering secure you a very fine copy of Impervious when it becomes a real book, it will also give you access to all the extras that I post as part of the contest. I’ve got worldbuilding details, chapters, perhaps even access to the original first draft in all its terribleness.

Have I sold you yet? Good! I knew I could count on you, person who I’ve always trusted and depended upon because you haven’t let me down yet. Go to https://www.inkshares.com/books/impervious-book-1-of-the-iron-principles and if you do not have an Inkshares account, create one. Choose what version of the book you’d like and click pre-order. You have to give them money now, but remember, you’ll get it back if no book comes of this and you have so much to gain.

Once you’ve done that, share amongst your friends and family who you think would enjoy an epic fantasy, with evil (good) emperors, made science, power hungry generals, freedom fighters and horrors from beyond. Remember, I actually have to win for you to get your book. I’m willing to to my part. Are you willing to do yours? Go! Invest in the future of Impervious. You shall not regret it*!


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