It’s been a while

Woof… I haven’t written anything in this blog for a couple years now. Like a lot of other things, I had grand plans for writing here regularly…and writing far more regularly in general than I ended up doing for the last few years.

Life is life though. Sometimes something has to give, and more often than not, that’s meant my writing time. I’ve got reasons…a lot of them revolving around my emotional energy being taken up by other things…but often it’s just laziness. It’s a lot easier to sit and watch some more YouTube than it is to site down, fire up the iPad and ignore the siren call of social media for a couple hours and figure out a story.

Which isn’t to say that I’ve been wasting all my time. I’ve actually managed to more or less completely finish a book! Blood Log: How (Not) to be a Vampire is pretty much done and out amongst some of my beta readers now! This year I’ll be shopping it around to agents, seeing if I can get any nibbles and probably cleaning it up a little more.

Failing getting to publish it professionally, I’ll be getting a cover for it and publishing it myself. Not sure if I’ll be printing any physical versions in that case or if I’ll be sticking to digital. Honestly, I’d prefer traditional publishing just so that I can have someone take care of all those details for me. I also wouldn’t mind seeing my book in Barnes and Nobles…but failing that I suppose I’ll tread the difficult route of a self-publisher.

In the meantime I’ll be working on either the sequel to Blood Log, or the first in my Pirate Planet series. Or maybe I’ll take another stab at Impervious. I’ve got some ideas on how to cut it down to a size that I could publish myself if I needed to.

Ugh. Why did I write a big fuckin’ Epic Steampunk Fantasy as my first finished book? Double fuck! Why did I write two huge goddamn Epic Steampunk Fantasies? *sigh* The things you do before trying to actually break into the writing scene.

I’m also working on version 3.0 of WordKeeperAlpha. I’m hoping to have that done and out in the world before NaNoWriMo this year, but we’ll see how that goes. I’ve already made a good start of it though, so I feel pretty good about that goal. A new version of WKA will let me build new features, increase the performance, and hopefully run it on a new and more reliable host.

Am I going to write more reliably on this blog? I suppose that remains to be seen. I want to do more of the “My Favorite Webcomic” series. The Dominic Deegan one I did was pretty popular, for me, and it was pretty fun to write. The only problem is that it took a while to write, put all the images together and what not. Time being one of the few things in short supply at this point in my life.

That sounds like I’m complaining, but I’m really not. I’m busy doing all the things that I want to be doing. Granted, I could spend a little more time writing and coding WordKeeperAlpha than trying to get caught up on my mountain of video games that I, for some reason, keep buying, but that is what it is. Some days you just don’t have the mental “oomph” left over to put words on the page. Some day I’ll retire and I’ll be able to write all the stories, play all the games, read all the books, and go all the places that I’ve been meaning to go.

For now, though, I’ll call writing my first blog post in a couple years a good enough win. So, from the itinerant iPad of Seth Swanson, writing on location at the Inkwell in Omaha, Nebraska, I’ll talk to you again soon.

If I can remember to.

Providing I have the time.

You know what I mean.


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