Author: Seth Swanson

  • The Ideal Magical Item

    The Ideal Magical Item

    If you could have any Magic Item, what would it be? Not a simple question at all.

  • Writing fuel: Music for wordmaking

    If you haven’t hit play on the video above, I’d advise you to click play.  I’ve listened to the above… I don’t know… fifty times?  More?  What you’re listening to is one of the main themes for Impervious.  Yeah, if you’re listening to the lyrics, you might notice a common word in there.  I’m not…

  • Writing a book is a lot of work.

    I've never finished a whole book before. Its still a little thrilling that I wrote a book. Granted, its not a very big book at the moment, but it'll grow. Which is what I'm doing now. I got a lot of good feedback on Impervious and now I'm ready to take another crack at it.…

  • I’m back! I’m back with news!

    I’m back! I’m back with news!

    So, I’ve been “gone” for a long time. Rather, my previous blog on my former homepage had been left to wither and die for months while I poured effort into my projects. The first of which being Impervious (first draft finished!), the second being Edge Of December (we have a Kickstarter!) and the last being…

  • Quick Update

    Katie and I just got back from celebrating our first anniversary!  It was awesome, but also a little tiring.  I meant to do a blog post tonight to catch people up on my work with WordKeeperAlpha and future plans for Impervious but that’s going to have to wait until tomorrow night. I will say that…

  • It’s been a while

    I know, I know. I’ve been a very bad man about posting to my blog.  I have reasonable excuses for it, one of which being switching hosts (as you can see from the shiny new URL).  Please, let me be the first to welcome you to  I’ll explain the reasons for my move in…

  • This is a weird feeling for a Monday…

    The internet is kind of a confusing place sometimes.  Really, it depends on where you hang out, though, unlike in real life, you don’t have a map that tells you how to get to the over-your-head-zen-musicians and away from horrible back alley drugs sold by the Russian Mafia.  Still, assuming you aren’t hanging out only…

  • Stalling out

    Well, the 25k month in February isn’t going quite as well as I’d hoped. My wheels are doing a lot of spinning, but my fingers aren’t managing to type the words. Bother. I did get a good bit of writing done for Edge last week, but that doesn’t get me much closer to my goal…

  • Wow..this is kinda my bad here people.

    Alright. I haven't posted on this thing since … uhm the end of October. That's pretty bad, granted, but honestly, I don't feel as bad as I should. Near as I can tell I'm the only human being who pays any attention to this so the only one I've been letting down is myself. Ok…now…

  • Edge of December Volume 3 out now!

    It's been a while in the making, but we released the third volume in the Edge of December series just a couple days ago! We had some technical difficulties, but we're up and running now with part two of the Naccisti saga. This volume also contains a special short story, Assigning Blame, written by yours…