Author: Seth Swanson

  • Frigidaire taught me to hate again.

    Frigidaire taught me to hate again.

    This is a story that I’ve been waiting to tell for months now. I like telling stories! Normally, it’s fun, and it comes from a place that is lousy with giant robots, magic, and just so many swords. So many swords. This story though, it comes from a place soaked in blood and mind numbing fury.…

  • Where I will make exactly one resolution

    Where I will make exactly one resolution

    I don’t have anything against New Year’s resolutions. I really don’t. The only one I can remember making last year was to write more than I did the year before. In that I succeeded. I had other goals: such as finishing Impervious and getting more done on WordKeeperAlpha. Well, I didn’t finish Impervious. I didn’t…

  • 2015: Excuses and Explanations

    Ok, so, as years go, 2015 was actually pretty good from a writing perspective. Granted, I didn’t accomplish several goals that I set for myself, but I did make significant progress on many goals, and accomplished others that I hadn’t set. One goal that I did accomplish was writing more in 2015 than I wrote…

  • National Novel Writing Month in Perspective

    National Novel Writing Month in Perspective

    Phew! So that was a thing that happened. In case it wasn’t obvious from the title I participated in NaNoWriMo this month, and unlike last year, I won! I won in the sense that I wrote 50,200 words, rather than finished an actual novel. I don’t think anything I ever write is going to be…

  • NaNoWriMo Journal Day 13 (delayed): It’s my birthday!

    NaNoWriMo Journal Day 13 (delayed): It’s my birthday!

    As with all blogging activities, I could be doing better at this whole journal thing. But really, its hard to write more after you’ve been busting your hump to make your word count.  Right now, I’m a little behind since I took last night off and played StarCraft. What? I am but mortal and subject…

  • NaNoWriMo Journal Day 9: A day of rest

    Well, it’s been a few days since I wrote a journal entry, mostly because I burned myself out on writing over the weekend.  Friday night we had our Pathfinder game, which I really didn’t want to miss, but I’d built up a buffer.  Still, I fell a bit behind.  On Saturday I was beset on…

  • NaNoWriMo Journal Day 4: To Battle!

    My first space battle is heating up and its getting really fun to write it.  So much so that its difficult to call it a night tonight.  Unfortunately, the coffee shop is closing in a few minutes and I have work tomorrow.  Annoying, but what are you going to do? The crew of the Elusive…

  • NaNoWriMo Journal Day 3: Late night

    So, I’m writing this on Nov. 4th because last night I was writing right up until midnight (11:30) and didn’t have time or the inclination to sit down and then write a journal entry. Last night I clocked in at 1519 words (under goal) bringing me to 5123 words total so far. I’m still above…

  • NaNoWriMo Journal Day 2: The Monday Cometh

    Monday’s have a sacred purpose: Ruining the weekend. Oh, if only it were still the weekend, all the writing I’d do. Nevertheless, I persevere and attain my goals. Today’s words: 1672 Total words: 3604 So…my story doesn’t reeeeaaaaalllly know what it wants to be yet. I’ve read all the Honor Harrington books several times which…

  • NaNoWriMo Journal Day 1: And off we go!

    So, I thought that I would do a little daily writing diary here during National Novel Writing Month.  With luck, having to record that I did not, in fact, write anything for a day will keep me a little more honest. I probably could have gotten a little more done today, had I done some…