Author: Seth Swanson

  • WordKeeperAlpha and National Novel Writing Month

    In the beforetimes, there was National Novel Writing Month.  A spectacular explosion of writing and creativity, it brought author to keyboard like nothing since the creation of the typewriter.   When I first participated it was an interesting experiment to see if I could manage to write a full fifty thousand words in a single…

  • #NaNoWriMo 2015 Preparations

    Wow. It’s been two months since I actually sat down and did any writing. I know.  I know.  For someone who, someday, wants to make my living writing this is not the way to go about things.  I’ve got lots of excuses and reasons but really, it just comes down to a profound lack of…

  • WordKeeperAlpha update: Ending the long silence

    Oif. I did not mean to go this long without an update.  My wife and I purchased a house earlier this month and we’re just getting to the point where we can afford some time in the evening to relax.  I only just got my desk into a state that I can use it… meaning…

  • WordKeeperAlpha – Bugfix (August Edition)

    WordKeeperAlpha – Bugfix (August Edition)

    Just a quick update today.  Today’s update should, finally, fix the bug that kept people from having their sessions last longer than thirty minutes or so.  So, now if you check the ‘Remember Me’ button will make sure that when you leave, you won’t have to log in again.  Added bonus! I upgraded the security!…

  • My thoughts on Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance (Part 2)

    My thoughts on Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance (Part 2)

    Whew! Big weekend! I went to Osfest, sat on two panels, hosted another one and, oh yeah, Katie and I put a bid on a house that was accepted! **Continuously dances** No, I’m not telling you where, you creepy internet stalkers. I’m watching you. But not, y’know, in a creepy way. (I’m totally watching you…

  • WordKeeperAlpha Update – August 2015

    WordKeeperAlpha Update – August 2015

    Oif. I promised an update a week ago, but then life happened.  Life happened all over me.  Long story short, we’re buying a house! Woo! Yay! Huzzah! Really, both Katie and me are super excited and we can’t wait to get the move over with and start making the place our own, but its going…

  • I got a reply from Representative Brad Ashford

    Recently, I poked all the state representatives and senators about upcoming Net Neutrality legistlation that the telecoms have snuck into next year’s, must pass, funding bill.  And Ashford send me a response.  I know, it’s a form letter, but the return address seemed legit.  He may never actually read my thoughts on his response, but…

  • The Andromeda Strain – Reread

    The Andromeda Strain – Reread

    When you’re graduating from reading young adult novels into more meatier fair, Michael Crichton is pretty much the perfect author to cut your teeth on. At least, he was back in the 90’s before the young adult genre exploded all over every dystopian future that ever existed. He was one of the first authors I…

  • Fight for the Net: Round Frickin’ 3

    I’m getting really tired of this bull shit.  We’re still 16 months out from the next presidential election, there’s five hundred republican candidates for congress, all of whom yammer on and on about “people”, “freedom”, and “protecting individual rights” but then we get crap like the fight over Net Neutrality.  How can any of you…

  • My thoughts on paranormal romance / urban fantasy.

    My thoughts on paranormal romance / urban fantasy.

    Here’s the mix: Take one private investigator, add city, mix with magic, vampires, werewolves and three tablespoons of fae.  Shake vigorously and let stand for three hundred pages.  Sprinkle generously with interesting personalites and serve with a side of sweet violence and sexual tension.  Feel free to substitute the first ingredient with a druid, necromancer,…