Author: Seth Swanson

  • Net Neutrality: Still a battle.

    Net Neutrality: Still a battle.

    It’s kind of telling that in every piece I read against Net Neutrality, that not a single one of those people actually understand it.  Which isn’t to say that all the people who support it understand what it really is.  That’s kinda the way of politics: people with something to gain convince other gullible people…

  • Writing Fuel

    As I do my best to write write more regularly, I’m trying to identify those things that spark my muse and get my imagination working, and those things that actively hinder those things. I know, I know, you can’t always rely on your muse to write, or else you’re just waiting on the fickle little…

  • An admission: Or why I’m a liberal now

    This last election I did something that I’ve never done before in my life. I voted Democrat, pretty much right down the entire ballot. I had several reasons for doing this. First, I have the vain hope that in this classically Republican state, I would be part of a growing trend of people switching sides.…

  • Holy crap… Its the future.

    Holy crap… Its the future.

    Let me walk you through something.  Its something you probably realize, but maybe just don’t grasp the significance of.  Pull out your phone and take a look at it.  Is it a two year old Android P.O.S. that you got for free with your cell phone contract, or the newest iPhone 6?  Is it just…

  • 2015: Kicking in your door.

    2015: Kicking in your door.

    This is the annual blog post where I resolve to do things, to better myself as a human being. The problem with resolutions, is they tend to get left by the wayside as the year wears on and different problems take precedence. Or maybe that’s just for me. Still, its good to have goals, and…

  • 2014 in Review

    2014 in Review

    I don’t know about you, but its been a pretty good year in House Swanson. We went to Phoenix Comic-con and had a blast with the Edge of December crew, despite the state being filled to the brim with creatures whose only purpose is to kill. I’m not even talking about the con attendees. I…

  • Editing and Deleting Records is LIVE!

    Editing and Deleting Records is LIVE!

    Heya folks.  I know a lot of people have been waiting for the ability to Edit and Delete word records that got messed up, either through experimentation, or by mistake.  Check out the Word Logs section of the Goals and Projects page.  Alternatively, check out the About page for more instructions. There’s more upgrades and…

  • WordKeeperAlpha – Quick update

    Hey guys.  I didn’t get anywhere near as much work done this weekend as I wanted.  I know a bunch of people are waiting for the word record editing and deleting feature, and I’m sorry it isn’t going to be finished tonight.  I’ll be working on it through the week though, and hopefully it will…

  • WordKeeperAlpha Update 12/2014

    Wow… So this month has been a little bit crazy.  Yeah, National Novel Writing Month didn’t help, but MAN it’s been crazy for Word Keeper Alpha too.  Here I was, minding my own business, when I decide to look at my traffic numbers…because that’s how I validate my worth as a person… and I notice…

  • NaNoWriMo 2014 Postmortem

    NaNoWriMo 2014 Postmortem

    Well, ladies and gentleman, November is over and its time to look back upon it and gaze upon my fine works.  Courtesy of WordKeeperAlpha here is how I did this month! Final word count for the month was 24438 words, just about half of the required 50,000.  Do I feel bad? Maybe a little, but…