Author: Seth Swanson

  • Feels good!

    I don’t know why its so damn hard to write some nights.  Really, its just sitting my butt down in my comfy foof chair, and starting to type.  That’s not actually hard.  Its very easy, in fact!  Plus, I always feel awesome after I’ve done it.  Any length of time, any word count, doesn’t matter.…

  • Phoenix Comicon Retrospective

    I’ve really got to get this blogging thing down better.  What I should have done was post a nice blurb here and on the various other social media outlets that we were going to go to Phoenix Comicon and where we were going to be.  Not that I think it would have brought anyone extra…

  • Writing Weekend!

    Yeah, so my last post was a little heavy handed. I'd apologize, but honestly I'd like to start doing some more posts like that. Things that are more than just status updates, posts about what I'm reading and writing. Every now and again, just talking about things like that seems like I'm taking the easy…

  • Are you scared yet?

    Everyone’s afraid of something.  Personally, I hate flying.  The knowledge that I’m trusting my fate to uncounted individuals while I’m thousands of feet in the air, moving hundreds of miles an hour, with absolutely no control over whether I survive to the next airport gets to me every time.  I’m sure that I’m not alone…

  • Storium is Nigh!

    Alright, I should have written this post a while ago.  There isn’t much time, so I’m going to break it down fast. First off: Storium is in its last week of its Kickstarter.  Go there now and back it.  Watch the video, read the breakdown, look at all the awesome stretch goals that they’ve already…

  • April is done. All hail May!

    April is done. All hail May!

    As usual, I’m not very good at updating the blog.  Thankfully, I can claim this month I was busy working on the projects that I should have been working on.  Thanks to one of those projects, I can even prove it!  Behold! One of the nifty features of the Highcharts plugin that I’m using in…

  • Impervious Draft 2 is well under way

    You know what’s fun? Moving.  You know what doesn’t leave you much time to update your blog AND work on the various projects you have going at the same time? Moving.  And Starcraft 2. Shut up!  I’m not a machine.  A man needs his vices.  And whiskey.  Whiskey isn’t a vice though.  Mmmm…whiskey.  Huh? What?…

  • Quick site updates

    I know they don’t look the best yet, but I’ve put out a couple quick updates to the site. ‘Projects’ is now Stories and will be where I keep everyone up to date on what I’m writing and how far along it is. I’ll also be putting up a ‘Read the first chapter’ bit on…

  • Edge of December: Volume 1

    Edge of December: Volume 1

    Tuesdays will never be the same again. At least, not for me anyway. Every other day of the week is going to have to contend with the fact, that on this Tuesday, the 25th of February, I have finally seen my name in a real, honest to goodness book! There are words that I’ve written,…

  • WordKeeperAlpha 2.0 development continues

    Some of you may be familiar with my little side project WordKeeperAlpha, but I'm not going to assume a whole lot. If not, its a tool I created, and am creating, for authors to keep track of their writing habits. One of the most important thing about writing books is, duh, writing, and doing that…