Author: Seth Swanson

  • Time to get started … again.

    Hello every one. Well, the holiday break is over and its time to get started on my goals for this year. Before we get to that, I'm happy to report that I got plenty of work done on WordKeeper; finishing design on several new form elements, partially working out what I want to do with…

  • An end of year update – Merry Christmas!

    Sorry I've been quiet since my mid-NaNoWriMo update. I'd like to say that I've been super busy getting stuff done and finishing up my project from November, but the truth is that I've been super-lazy. Granted, I have been doing some work on Edge of December, but I've mostly been screwing around catching and trianing…

  • Quick NaNoWriMo update

    Salutations peasants! It is I, your mighty blogger king, finally returned from my quest for … y'know stuff. Thanks for not rebelling in my absensce or burning stuff to the ground. That was awful considerate of you. Also, in your place I completely would have burned something down. Just sayin'. But I'm back, and so…

  • I’ve been quiet lately … too quiet

    I know, I've been bad about updating for the last few weeks. I have this awesome week where I do three whole posts, and then I disappear for the better part of a month. I'm a bad bad man. What was I doing? Who are you, my mom? Oh… well, sorry mom. Long story short,…

  • Social Media: What I’ve Learned So Far (Part 2 – The “Don’ts”)

    *WARNING* STRONG LANGUAGE FOLLOWS *WARNING* In my last post I started talking about the “Do’s and Don’ts” of using Twitter, trying to focus on building an audience or just enjoying yourself. What I probably didn’t really get into is that those two things are one and the same. Yeah, if you’re going to be a…

  • Social Media – What I’ve learned so far (Part 1)

    In the not too distant future, I want to be able to write, full time, and not be a homeless bum. The chances of this happening are somewhere between small and insignificant. depending on a variety of factors. One of those factors is developing and keeping an audience. Right now, I've got 136 followers on…

  • Impervious: Book 1 of The Iron Principles

    Happy Saturday, everybody! I managed to drag myself out of my warm and supremely comfortable bed so that I could make it to Panera Bread and do some writing today. Unfortunately, I forgot my headphones, which means the buzz of conversation that I normally find comforting and focussing is more of a dull roar. Still,…

  • Getting ready for NaNoWriMo

    I haven’t decided if I’m going to participate in National Novel Writing Month this year.  Well, I know a 50,000 word month would be really good for me, just like it was great for me last year.  I have a TON of work left on Impervious and getting 50,000 words of it done would be…

  • Fire Emblem: Awakening – A study in lost writing hours

    Fire Emblem: Awakening – A study in lost writing hours

    I love my wife.  She knows me.  She gets me.  We just celebrated our first anniversary just a month ago, and this wonderful woman got me a toy that I’ve been wanting for a while: A Nintendo 3DS.  Not only that, but she got me the XL and she got me a blue one to…

  • Awesomesauce – Not just one of my favorite phrases

    This week for #wanaFriday we’re prompted to post our favorite recipe and possibly a story to go along with it. So, this week we’ll delve into the origins of “Awesomesauce”! As far as healthy eating goes, I’m probably not the world’s best role model. Now, I’m not saying that I won’t eat a vegetable if…