Category: rant

  • Havenhurst: A study in bad story telling

    Horror didn’t start off as one of my favorite genre’s of movies. It still isn’t, really, but my appreciation for it has grown ever since I started getting cuddles from my wife while watching them. I’m not as big a fan as she is of getting scared at something, which usually isn’t a problem since…

  • I’m scared and I don’t know why you aren’t

    “Trump's a political outsider.” “Trump speaks his mind.” “He's going to get the corruption out of Washington.” “We don't want another four years of the same politics in Washington.” “It's time we sent a message to Washington that they can't just ignore us.” I've heard the arguments. I understand them. Congress' approval rating is lower…

  • Frigidaire taught me to hate again.

    Frigidaire taught me to hate again.

    This is a story that I’ve been waiting to tell for months now. I like telling stories! Normally, it’s fun, and it comes from a place that is lousy with giant robots, magic, and just so many swords. So many swords. This story though, it comes from a place soaked in blood and mind numbing fury.…

  • My thoughts on Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance (Part 2)

    My thoughts on Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance (Part 2)

    Whew! Big weekend! I went to Osfest, sat on two panels, hosted another one and, oh yeah, Katie and I put a bid on a house that was accepted! **Continuously dances** No, I’m not telling you where, you creepy internet stalkers. I’m watching you. But not, y’know, in a creepy way. (I’m totally watching you…

  • I got a reply from Representative Brad Ashford

    Recently, I poked all the state representatives and senators about upcoming Net Neutrality legistlation that the telecoms have snuck into next year’s, must pass, funding bill.  And Ashford send me a response.  I know, it’s a form letter, but the return address seemed legit.  He may never actually read my thoughts on his response, but…

  • Fight for the Net: Round Frickin’ 3

    I’m getting really tired of this bull shit.  We’re still 16 months out from the next presidential election, there’s five hundred republican candidates for congress, all of whom yammer on and on about “people”, “freedom”, and “protecting individual rights” but then we get crap like the fight over Net Neutrality.  How can any of you…

  • My thoughts on paranormal romance / urban fantasy.

    My thoughts on paranormal romance / urban fantasy.

    Here’s the mix: Take one private investigator, add city, mix with magic, vampires, werewolves and three tablespoons of fae.  Shake vigorously and let stand for three hundred pages.  Sprinkle generously with interesting personalites and serve with a side of sweet violence and sexual tension.  Feel free to substitute the first ingredient with a druid, necromancer,…

  • Why do we keep Vox Day around?

    We all know a guy like Theodore Beale, aka Vox Day.  Well, alright, very few of us know anyone like Beale.  He’s an unrepentant misogynist, racist, egotistical asshat who has claimed that “white men just don’t rape anymore” among other reprehensible things.  So, really, I hope that you don’t actually know anyone like Beale.  More…

  • Fight for the net. Here we go again.

    Fight for the net. Here we go again.

    I’ve read over and over that it’s a bad idea for an author, especially a beginner to get political.  But damnit, I’m not going to be able to keep things to myself and I need a longer format space to vent about all the shit that’s going on in washingtop.  Full warning, this post is…

  • Net Neutrality: Still a battle.

    Net Neutrality: Still a battle.

    It’s kind of telling that in every piece I read against Net Neutrality, that not a single one of those people actually understand it.  Which isn’t to say that all the people who support it understand what it really is.  That’s kinda the way of politics: people with something to gain convince other gullible people…