Category: rant

  • An admission: Or why I’m a liberal now

    This last election I did something that I’ve never done before in my life. I voted Democrat, pretty much right down the entire ballot. I had several reasons for doing this. First, I have the vain hope that in this classically Republican state, I would be part of a growing trend of people switching sides.…

  • Holy crap… Its the future.

    Holy crap… Its the future.

    Let me walk you through something.  Its something you probably realize, but maybe just don’t grasp the significance of.  Pull out your phone and take a look at it.  Is it a two year old Android P.O.S. that you got for free with your cell phone contract, or the newest iPhone 6?  Is it just…

  • Battle For The Net

    If you woke up tomorrow, and your internet looked like this, what would you do? Imagine all your favorite websites taking forever to load, while you get annoying notifications from your ISP suggesting you switch to one of their approved “Fast Lane” sites.Think about what we would lose: all the weird, alternative, interesting, and enlightening…

  • Why the “Open Letters to Jennifer Lawrence” are bull.

    Some people are going to have an issue with the things I’m going to say here…buuuuuut I’m willing to run that risk.  Recently, various celebrities had their cloud accounts hacked and naked pictures of themselves leaked.  That’s the crime.  Period.  Full stop.  End of story.  Among them is Jennifer Lawrence, an absolutely (from what I…

  • The Dragon That Can’t be Fought

    With the demise of Borders, the battle of eBooks is one that is primarily fought between Barnes and Nobles and Amazon. I won’t discount Kobo, Sony or Apple, but in my mind they are three minor players in this particular battle. For my own part, I have a Kindle. I’ve had one for roughly three…

  • Tropes Vs. Women in Video games deserves your respect

    Every time Anita Sarkeesian, creator of Feminist Frequency and Tropes Vs. Women in Video Games, comes out with a new video in her series, I feel like I need to write a post because the same thing happens every time. Before we get going into this I’m going to set the tone. Do I agree…

  • Are you scared yet?

    Everyone’s afraid of something.  Personally, I hate flying.  The knowledge that I’m trusting my fate to uncounted individuals while I’m thousands of feet in the air, moving hundreds of miles an hour, with absolutely no control over whether I survive to the next airport gets to me every time.  I’m sure that I’m not alone…

  • Social Media: What I’ve Learned So Far (Part 2 – The “Don’ts”)

    *WARNING* STRONG LANGUAGE FOLLOWS *WARNING* In my last post I started talking about the “Do’s and Don’ts” of using Twitter, trying to focus on building an audience or just enjoying yourself. What I probably didn’t really get into is that those two things are one and the same. Yeah, if you’re going to be a…

  • Social Media – What I’ve learned so far (Part 1)

    In the not too distant future, I want to be able to write, full time, and not be a homeless bum. The chances of this happening are somewhere between small and insignificant. depending on a variety of factors. One of those factors is developing and keeping an audience. Right now, I've got 136 followers on…