Category: reading

  • What I learned from reading Kindle trash

    I have a confession to make. While there will never be any replacement for a well-written, wonderfully crafted book, I kind of low-key also love Kindle Unlimited trash. I suppose the question then becomes, what is Kindle Unlimited trash? What is Kindle Unlimited Trash Kindle Unlimited is, of course, Amazon’s “all you can eat” monthly…

  • The wonderful worlds of Seanan McGuire

    My wife and I had the distinct pleasure of going to ConQuest in Kansas City earlier on this year. If you haven’t been, I can’t recommend it enough. The programming was excellent, the location (The Sheraton at Crowne Center) is awesome, and they had a game room the likes of which I haven’t seen before…

  • My thoughts on Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance (Part 2)

    My thoughts on Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance (Part 2)

    Whew! Big weekend! I went to Osfest, sat on two panels, hosted another one and, oh yeah, Katie and I put a bid on a house that was accepted! **Continuously dances** No, I’m not telling you where, you creepy internet stalkers. I’m watching you. But not, y’know, in a creepy way. (I’m totally watching you…

  • The Andromeda Strain – Reread

    The Andromeda Strain – Reread

    When you’re graduating from reading young adult novels into more meatier fair, Michael Crichton is pretty much the perfect author to cut your teeth on. At least, he was back in the 90’s before the young adult genre exploded all over every dystopian future that ever existed. He was one of the first authors I…

  • My thoughts on paranormal romance / urban fantasy.

    My thoughts on paranormal romance / urban fantasy.

    Here’s the mix: Take one private investigator, add city, mix with magic, vampires, werewolves and three tablespoons of fae.  Shake vigorously and let stand for three hundred pages.  Sprinkle generously with interesting personalites and serve with a side of sweet violence and sexual tension.  Feel free to substitute the first ingredient with a druid, necromancer,…

  • 2015: Kicking in your door.

    2015: Kicking in your door.

    This is the annual blog post where I resolve to do things, to better myself as a human being. The problem with resolutions, is they tend to get left by the wayside as the year wears on and different problems take precedence. Or maybe that’s just for me. Still, its good to have goals, and…

  • Writing Weekend!

    Yeah, so my last post was a little heavy handed. I'd apologize, but honestly I'd like to start doing some more posts like that. Things that are more than just status updates, posts about what I'm reading and writing. Every now and again, just talking about things like that seems like I'm taking the easy…

  • It’s been a while

    I know, I know. I’ve been a very bad man about posting to my blog.  I have reasonable excuses for it, one of which being switching hosts (as you can see from the shiny new URL).  Please, let me be the first to welcome you to  I’ll explain the reasons for my move in…