Category: Impervious

  • The Second Draft

    The Second Draft

    My thirty thousand word month didn’t really come together like I’d hoped it would.  My goal is to write everyday, but I’m much better writing in spurts than I am writing regularly.  Having my own motivational program is helping, but it is also a bit damning when I look back on the month and see…

  • 2015: Kicking in your door.

    2015: Kicking in your door.

    This is the annual blog post where I resolve to do things, to better myself as a human being. The problem with resolutions, is they tend to get left by the wayside as the year wears on and different problems take precedence. Or maybe that’s just for me. Still, its good to have goals, and…

  • 2014 in Review

    2014 in Review

    I don’t know about you, but its been a pretty good year in House Swanson. We went to Phoenix Comic-con and had a blast with the Edge of December crew, despite the state being filled to the brim with creatures whose only purpose is to kill. I’m not even talking about the con attendees. I…

  • NaNoWriMo 2014 Postmortem

    NaNoWriMo 2014 Postmortem

    Well, ladies and gentleman, November is over and its time to look back upon it and gaze upon my fine works.  Courtesy of WordKeeperAlpha here is how I did this month! Final word count for the month was 24438 words, just about half of the required 50,000.  Do I feel bad? Maybe a little, but…

  • WordKeeperAlpha is live!

    WordKeeperAlpha is live!

    Well, I'm rather sick of coding in my off hours now, but WordKeeperAlpha is pretty much fully functional and working for everyone, not just me. Just about the only thing lacking at this point is the tutorial… so … yeah. That's next on my to do list. Really though, now that its up and working…

  • August: The month of where I guess I don’t write

    August: The month of where I guess I don’t write

    Granted, its been a very mild summer, but August is still a helluva reason to keep inside. Which is good! I don’t write or code very well outside. Trust me, I’ve considered it, even tried it a time or two but it just doesn’t work out well. The glare on the iPad impairs writing, or…

  • Feels good!

    I don’t know why its so damn hard to write some nights.  Really, its just sitting my butt down in my comfy foof chair, and starting to type.  That’s not actually hard.  Its very easy, in fact!  Plus, I always feel awesome after I’ve done it.  Any length of time, any word count, doesn’t matter.…

  • Writing Weekend!

    Yeah, so my last post was a little heavy handed. I'd apologize, but honestly I'd like to start doing some more posts like that. Things that are more than just status updates, posts about what I'm reading and writing. Every now and again, just talking about things like that seems like I'm taking the easy…

  • Impervious Draft 2 is well under way

    You know what’s fun? Moving.  You know what doesn’t leave you much time to update your blog AND work on the various projects you have going at the same time? Moving.  And Starcraft 2. Shut up!  I’m not a machine.  A man needs his vices.  And whiskey.  Whiskey isn’t a vice though.  Mmmm…whiskey.  Huh? What?…

  • Time to get started … again.

    Hello every one. Well, the holiday break is over and its time to get started on my goals for this year. Before we get to that, I'm happy to report that I got plenty of work done on WordKeeper; finishing design on several new form elements, partially working out what I want to do with…