Category: writing

  • NaNoWriMo Journal Day 1: And off we go!

    So, I thought that I would do a little daily writing diary here during National Novel Writing Month.  With luck, having to record that I did not, in fact, write anything for a day will keep me a little more honest. I probably could have gotten a little more done today, had I done some…

  • WordKeeperAlpha and National Novel Writing Month

    In the beforetimes, there was National Novel Writing Month.  A spectacular explosion of writing and creativity, it brought author to keyboard like nothing since the creation of the typewriter.   When I first participated it was an interesting experiment to see if I could manage to write a full fifty thousand words in a single…

  • #NaNoWriMo 2015 Preparations

    Wow. It’s been two months since I actually sat down and did any writing. I know.  I know.  For someone who, someday, wants to make my living writing this is not the way to go about things.  I’ve got lots of excuses and reasons but really, it just comes down to a profound lack of…

  • Monthly update – WordkeeperAlpha & Impervious

    Monthly update – WordkeeperAlpha & Impervious

    Greetings fellow nerds. I write to you tonight from the comfort of my own home, drinking a nice Blue Moon Belgian Ale and listening to the new Nightwish album, Shudder Before the Beautiful.  Truly, life is good.  However, life has not been entirely productive this month.  Mid-month writing progress is kind of disappointing, as is…

  • I am not my word count

    I am not my word count

    … my story however… That’s a different … story … thing.  You know what I mean.  Tonight is a writing night, a night I’ve specifically set aside for the writing of words and the making of stories.   Only writing is hard some nights. I know I’m not alone on this.  Other authors get a…

  • The Second Draft

    The Second Draft

    My thirty thousand word month didn’t really come together like I’d hoped it would.  My goal is to write everyday, but I’m much better writing in spurts than I am writing regularly.  Having my own motivational program is helping, but it is also a bit damning when I look back on the month and see…

  • Writing Fuel

    As I do my best to write write more regularly, I’m trying to identify those things that spark my muse and get my imagination working, and those things that actively hinder those things. I know, I know, you can’t always rely on your muse to write, or else you’re just waiting on the fickle little…

  • 2015: Kicking in your door.

    2015: Kicking in your door.

    This is the annual blog post where I resolve to do things, to better myself as a human being. The problem with resolutions, is they tend to get left by the wayside as the year wears on and different problems take precedence. Or maybe that’s just for me. Still, its good to have goals, and…

  • 2014 in Review

    2014 in Review

    I don’t know about you, but its been a pretty good year in House Swanson. We went to Phoenix Comic-con and had a blast with the Edge of December crew, despite the state being filled to the brim with creatures whose only purpose is to kill. I’m not even talking about the con attendees. I…

  • WordKeeperAlpha Update 12/2014

    Wow… So this month has been a little bit crazy.  Yeah, National Novel Writing Month didn’t help, but MAN it’s been crazy for Word Keeper Alpha too.  Here I was, minding my own business, when I decide to look at my traffic numbers…because that’s how I validate my worth as a person… and I notice…