Category: writing

  • The Big Question: Why 25,000 words?

    This question bares a little explanation, though not too much.  I’m not going to go off on another word spree here where I create a novella out of a blog post.  Thing is, I love the idea of doing National Write a Novel Month.  Being able to sit down and crank out fifty thousand words…

  • The Big Question: What are my goals for 2012?

    Alright, so granted, its not a question that’s strictly about writing, but it’s the subject of this week’s entry.  I actually started writing this last week, but life kind of went and kicked me in the face.  Turns out there are some things that will just kill the impulse that I have to write.  One…

  • The Big Question: What’s the deal with the “Big Question”?

    I am an author, which I like to pronounce just as haughtily as I can.  This is my blog, when, I don’t think I can really make sound snotty since everyone and their cat has a blog.  What this means though, is that, by in large, this is going to be a blog about writing…

  • This will have to do for now…

    Well, this is interesting. I have a blog again… So. Yeah. There isn’t really all that much I have to say today, other than I wanted something up on here aside from the sample post. I’m new to the whole WordPress blog structure, so I will undoubtedly be tweaking things and trying to muscle things…