Tag: goals

  • After a long silence

    After a long silence

    I think that I'm in a dangerous place in my life right now. I'm happy. I'm comfortable. I'm not sure that's a bad thing, per se, but it is a dangerous thing.

  • February Update

    Well. So, 2017 is certainly starting off interesting. I'll save the politics for a specific post sometime. I imagine that most of you who keep up with me in the real world and online know my political leanings, so it won't surprise anyone to know that I'm not enjoying the new regime. Now, I'd love…

  • WorldCon or bust!

    WorldCon or bust!

    Heya folks. I’ve been a little lax in posting last month. This is mostly by design, since I’m in the middle of a two month push to finish the second draft of Impervious. I’m doing pretty good so far. I’ve gotten about five more chapters finished, with an unknown number left. But I’m coming up…

  • 2015: Excuses and Explanations

    Ok, so, as years go, 2015 was actually pretty good from a writing perspective. Granted, I didn’t accomplish several goals that I set for myself, but I did make significant progress on many goals, and accomplished others that I hadn’t set. One goal that I did accomplish was writing more in 2015 than I wrote…