Tag: long-winded

  • I’m scared and I don’t know why you aren’t

    “Trump's a political outsider.” “Trump speaks his mind.” “He's going to get the corruption out of Washington.” “We don't want another four years of the same politics in Washington.” “It's time we sent a message to Washington that they can't just ignore us.” I've heard the arguments. I understand them. Congress' approval rating is lower…

  • The Dragon That Can’t be Fought

    With the demise of Borders, the battle of eBooks is one that is primarily fought between Barnes and Nobles and Amazon. I won’t discount Kobo, Sony or Apple, but in my mind they are three minor players in this particular battle. For my own part, I have a Kindle. I’ve had one for roughly three…

  • WordKeeperAlpha 2.0 development continues

    Some of you may be familiar with my little side project WordKeeperAlpha, but I'm not going to assume a whole lot. If not, its a tool I created, and am creating, for authors to keep track of their writing habits. One of the most important thing about writing books is, duh, writing, and doing that…

  • An end of year update – Merry Christmas!

    Sorry I've been quiet since my mid-NaNoWriMo update. I'd like to say that I've been super busy getting stuff done and finishing up my project from November, but the truth is that I've been super-lazy. Granted, I have been doing some work on Edge of December, but I've mostly been screwing around catching and trianing…

  • Someone queue up a montage, please.

    Hey folks! I know its been a while, but things have been…if not busy then distracting around here lately. I lost my job about a month or so ago and have been doing what I can to reacquire gainful employment, which includes phone calls, cover letters and teaching myself some new tricks. First off, I…

  • Catching up and latest reads

    So, now that I'm all married, honeymooned, and settled back in, its time to actually get back to the business of being a writer. I'll admit, I probably could have kept up better with writing, blogging and twittering the last couple of months, but most nights I just didn't feel up to it. Work and…

  • The Big Question: What’s the deal with the “Big Question”?

    I am an author, which I like to pronounce just as haughtily as I can.  This is my blog, when, I don’t think I can really make sound snotty since everyone and their cat has a blog.  What this means though, is that, by in large, this is going to be a blog about writing…