Tag: Monthly Update

  • February Update

    Well. So, 2017 is certainly starting off interesting. I'll save the politics for a specific post sometime. I imagine that most of you who keep up with me in the real world and online know my political leanings, so it won't surprise anyone to know that I'm not enjoying the new regime. Now, I'd love…

  • Monthly update – WordkeeperAlpha & Impervious

    Monthly update – WordkeeperAlpha & Impervious

    Greetings fellow nerds. I write to you tonight from the comfort of my own home, drinking a nice Blue Moon Belgian Ale and listening to the new Nightwish album, Shudder Before the Beautiful.  Truly, life is good.  However, life has not been entirely productive this month.  Mid-month writing progress is kind of disappointing, as is…

  • WordKeeperAlpha Update 12/2014

    Wow… So this month has been a little bit crazy.  Yeah, National Novel Writing Month didn’t help, but MAN it’s been crazy for Word Keeper Alpha too.  Here I was, minding my own business, when I decide to look at my traffic numbers…because that’s how I validate my worth as a person… and I notice…

  • WordKeeperAlpha Updates

    WordKeeperAlpha Updates

    Hey, everyone! I thought I’d pop on to let you know what’s been going on with WordKeeperAlpha since I went live a couple weeks ago.  I’ll admit, I probably got a little overexcited wanting to get it out and live in the real (digital) world.  There were some unfinished, unpolished bits, a few more bugs…