My thoughts on Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance (Part 2)
Whew! Big weekend! I went to Osfest, sat on two panels, hosted another one and, oh yeah, Katie and I put a bid on a house that was accepted! **Continuously dances** No, I’m not telling you where, you creepy internet stalkers. I’m watching you. But not, y’know, in a creepy way. (I’m totally watching you…
I got a reply from Representative Brad Ashford
Recently, I poked all the state representatives and senators about upcoming Net Neutrality legistlation that the telecoms have snuck into next year’s, must pass, funding bill. And Ashford send me a response. I know, it’s a form letter, but the return address seemed legit. He may never actually read my thoughts on his response, but…
Net Neutrality: Still a battle.
It’s kind of telling that in every piece I read against Net Neutrality, that not a single one of those people actually understand it. Which isn’t to say that all the people who support it understand what it really is. That’s kinda the way of politics: people with something to gain convince other gullible people…
The Dragon That Can’t be Fought
With the demise of Borders, the battle of eBooks is one that is primarily fought between Barnes and Nobles and Amazon. I won’t discount Kobo, Sony or Apple, but in my mind they are three minor players in this particular battle. For my own part, I have a Kindle. I’ve had one for roughly three…
Tropes Vs. Women in Video games deserves your respect
Every time Anita Sarkeesian, creator of Feminist Frequency and Tropes Vs. Women in Video Games, comes out with a new video in her series, I feel like I need to write a post because the same thing happens every time. Before we get going into this I’m going to set the tone. Do I agree…