Tag: rantypants

  • I’m scared and I don’t know why you aren’t

    “Trump's a political outsider.” “Trump speaks his mind.” “He's going to get the corruption out of Washington.” “We don't want another four years of the same politics in Washington.” “It's time we sent a message to Washington that they can't just ignore us.” I've heard the arguments. I understand them. Congress' approval rating is lower…

  • My thoughts on paranormal romance / urban fantasy.

    My thoughts on paranormal romance / urban fantasy.

    Here’s the mix: Take one private investigator, add city, mix with magic, vampires, werewolves and three tablespoons of fae.  Shake vigorously and let stand for three hundred pages.  Sprinkle generously with interesting personalites and serve with a side of sweet violence and sexual tension.  Feel free to substitute the first ingredient with a druid, necromancer,…