Tag: should be writing

  • After a long silence

    After a long silence

    I think that I'm in a dangerous place in my life right now. I'm happy. I'm comfortable. I'm not sure that's a bad thing, per se, but it is a dangerous thing.

  • WordKeeperAlpha Update 12/2014

    Wow… So this month has been a little bit crazy.  Yeah, National Novel Writing Month didn’t help, but MAN it’s been crazy for Word Keeper Alpha too.  Here I was, minding my own business, when I decide to look at my traffic numbers…because that’s how I validate my worth as a person… and I notice…

  • The Dragon That Can’t be Fought

    With the demise of Borders, the battle of eBooks is one that is primarily fought between Barnes and Nobles and Amazon. I won’t discount Kobo, Sony or Apple, but in my mind they are three minor players in this particular battle. For my own part, I have a Kindle. I’ve had one for roughly three…

  • WordKeeperAlpha is live!

    WordKeeperAlpha is live!

    Well, I'm rather sick of coding in my off hours now, but WordKeeperAlpha is pretty much fully functional and working for everyone, not just me. Just about the only thing lacking at this point is the tutorial… so … yeah. That's next on my to do list. Really though, now that its up and working…

  • August: The month of where I guess I don’t write

    August: The month of where I guess I don’t write

    Granted, its been a very mild summer, but August is still a helluva reason to keep inside. Which is good! I don’t write or code very well outside. Trust me, I’ve considered it, even tried it a time or two but it just doesn’t work out well. The glare on the iPad impairs writing, or…

  • I’ve been quiet lately … too quiet

    I know, I've been bad about updating for the last few weeks. I have this awesome week where I do three whole posts, and then I disappear for the better part of a month. I'm a bad bad man. What was I doing? Who are you, my mom? Oh… well, sorry mom. Long story short,…

  • Wow..this is kinda my bad here people.

    Alright. I haven't posted on this thing since … uhm the end of October. That's pretty bad, granted, but honestly, I don't feel as bad as I should. Near as I can tell I'm the only human being who pays any attention to this so the only one I've been letting down is myself. Ok…now…

  • 25k month update

    Wish I had better news for you guys this time around, but we're at July 24th now, with seven days left and I'm only at 12k words. I officially have 1 week left to get 13k words done….which means writing 2,000 words a day, consistently for the next seven days. The odds aren't exactly in…

  • What do you want from me? A post?

    Look, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m in the middle of writing the Baron short story for Edge of December yet, having found my inspiration, muse, flow, what have you. Its coming along well and I want to have the first draft done by the end of the week. Right now, I’m writing…