Tag: too damn busy

  • August: The month of where I guess I don’t write

    August: The month of where I guess I don’t write

    Granted, its been a very mild summer, but August is still a helluva reason to keep inside. Which is good! I don’t write or code very well outside. Trust me, I’ve considered it, even tried it a time or two but it just doesn’t work out well. The glare on the iPad impairs writing, or…

  • An end of year update – Merry Christmas!

    Sorry I've been quiet since my mid-NaNoWriMo update. I'd like to say that I've been super busy getting stuff done and finishing up my project from November, but the truth is that I've been super-lazy. Granted, I have been doing some work on Edge of December, but I've mostly been screwing around catching and trianing…

  • Impervious: Book 1 of The Iron Principles

    Happy Saturday, everybody! I managed to drag myself out of my warm and supremely comfortable bed so that I could make it to Panera Bread and do some writing today. Unfortunately, I forgot my headphones, which means the buzz of conversation that I normally find comforting and focussing is more of a dull roar. Still,…

  • Stalling out

    Well, the 25k month in February isn’t going quite as well as I’d hoped. My wheels are doing a lot of spinning, but my fingers aren’t managing to type the words. Bother. I did get a good bit of writing done for Edge last week, but that doesn’t get me much closer to my goal…

  • 25k month update

    Wish I had better news for you guys this time around, but we're at July 24th now, with seven days left and I'm only at 12k words. I officially have 1 week left to get 13k words done….which means writing 2,000 words a day, consistently for the next seven days. The odds aren't exactly in…

  • Writers Block and the smashing thereof

    Bleh. So, here we are ten days into my 25k word writing challenge and I've barely gotten 2k written. The reason? First off, after not writing for so long its incredibly hard to put down the video game controller and actually get back to work. Half of why I was doing so well in previous…

  • Not a 25k month

    Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve updated the ol’ blog.  Truth be told, I haven’t been very good about writing in general for the past month and a half or so.  I don’t have a good reason for you other than life has been freakin’ busy and the games have been a major distraction.…