Tag: #wanafriday

  • Awesomesauce – Not just one of my favorite phrases

    This week for #wanaFriday we’re prompted to post our favorite recipe and possibly a story to go along with it. So, this week we’ll delve into the origins of “Awesomesauce”! As far as healthy eating goes, I’m probably not the world’s best role model. Now, I’m not saying that I won’t eat a vegetable if…

  • The Ideal Magical Item

    The Ideal Magical Item

    If you could have any Magic Item, what would it be? Not a simple question at all.

  • It’s been a while

    I know, I know. I’ve been a very bad man about posting to my blog.  I have reasonable excuses for it, one of which being switching hosts (as you can see from the shiny new URL).  Please, let me be the first to welcome you to seth-swanson.com.  I’ll explain the reasons for my move in…