Tag: word metrics

  • WordKeeperAlpha Update

    WordKeeperAlpha Update

    Heya Keepers, it’s been a while since I’ve put out an actual update of what’s going on over at WordKeeperAlpha so I thought I’d let everyone know what I’ve been up to recently. A week or two ago I published the latest update to WKA that enabled the new Projects page that I’ve been working…

  • WordKeeperAlpha Update

    I’ve been promising an update on WordKeeperAlpha for a while now. While I haven’t provided that update, I have been working on it. My project for a while now has been updating the Projects and Goals page, which currently shoves them all into the same page. What I’ve been working on is breaking them out…

  • WordKeeperAlpha Update – August 2015

    WordKeeperAlpha Update – August 2015

    Oif. I promised an update a week ago, but then life happened.  Life happened all over me.  Long story short, we’re buying a house! Woo! Yay! Huzzah! Really, both Katie and me are super excited and we can’t wait to get the move over with and start making the place our own, but its going…

  • The Ides of March – WordKeeperAlpha update

    The Ides of March – WordKeeperAlpha update

    Alright.  So it isn’t really the “Ides” of March yet, but I like say “ides”.   But I digress (“Digress” is another word I like). Here we are, three and a half months into the year and what do I have to show for it?  Plenty!  You just may or may not notice it.  That’s because…