Tag: writing goals

  • A Year Without Words

    A Year Without Words

    Y’all. I know I’m not rocking your world when I tell you that 2020 sucked great big donkey balls. That’s no revelation. If you were taking the pandemic even the least bit seriously then you, like me, were largely staying home, sitting on your hands, and thinking about how much you’d like to get out…

  • After a long silence

    After a long silence

    I think that I'm in a dangerous place in my life right now. I'm happy. I'm comfortable. I'm not sure that's a bad thing, per se, but it is a dangerous thing.

  • You’re not a writer if you don’t write

    The title of this blog post isn’t pointing fingers at anyone but myself. To say that I’ve been “bad” at setting aside time for writing over the past couple of months would be an egregious understatement. Truth be told, I’ve hardly written a single word of anything for the past several weeks, and the fault…

  • February Update

    Well. So, 2017 is certainly starting off interesting. I'll save the politics for a specific post sometime. I imagine that most of you who keep up with me in the real world and online know my political leanings, so it won't surprise anyone to know that I'm not enjoying the new regime. Now, I'd love…

  • WordKeeperAlpha Update – August 2015

    WordKeeperAlpha Update – August 2015

    Oif. I promised an update a week ago, but then life happened.  Life happened all over me.  Long story short, we’re buying a house! Woo! Yay! Huzzah! Really, both Katie and me are super excited and we can’t wait to get the move over with and start making the place our own, but its going…