Tag: writing

  • All I want for Christmas is Scrivener on the iPad

    To Literature and Latte: I know you guys are working on this, and as a developer I also recognize that making quality software takes time. I also know the absolute fun that comes from playing in Apple's sandbox. Please, if you read this, I'm not complaining. My recent experiences working with Scrivener on my PC…

  • Someone queue up a montage, please.

    Hey folks! I know its been a while, but things have been…if not busy then distracting around here lately. I lost my job about a month or so ago and have been doing what I can to reacquire gainful employment, which includes phone calls, cover letters and teaching myself some new tricks. First off, I…

  • If you don’t succeed…

    You know the rest. I didn't make last month's goal of 25,000 words. If you want excuses I have plenty; my computer dying, my own distractibility, and others. Honestly, the self destruction of my computer probably did more than anything else to stop me from reaching goal. My computer is one of the things that…

  • 25k month update

    Wish I had better news for you guys this time around, but we're at July 24th now, with seven days left and I'm only at 12k words. I officially have 1 week left to get 13k words done….which means writing 2,000 words a day, consistently for the next seven days. The odds aren't exactly in…

  • Writers Block and the smashing thereof

    Bleh. So, here we are ten days into my 25k word writing challenge and I've barely gotten 2k written. The reason? First off, after not writing for so long its incredibly hard to put down the video game controller and actually get back to work. Half of why I was doing so well in previous…

  • Catching up and latest reads

    So, now that I'm all married, honeymooned, and settled back in, its time to actually get back to the business of being a writer. I'll admit, I probably could have kept up better with writing, blogging and twittering the last couple of months, but most nights I just didn't feel up to it. Work and…

  • Not a 25k month

    Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve updated the ol’ blog.  Truth be told, I haven’t been very good about writing in general for the past month and a half or so.  I don’t have a good reason for you other than life has been freakin’ busy and the games have been a major distraction.…

  • Making the move

    Not much writing news for this week. The fiancé and I have spent the last week moving. I feel bad, but its really hard to want to do anything besides collapse after you’ve gone up and down three flights of stairs a dozen times carrying heavy boxes. I’ve had a short story for Edge of…

  • The Big Question: What’s the deal with the “Big Question”?

    I am an author, which I like to pronounce just as haughtily as I can.  This is my blog, when, I don’t think I can really make sound snotty since everyone and their cat has a blog.  What this means though, is that, by in large, this is going to be a blog about writing…