Tag: year in review

  • A Year Without Words

    A Year Without Words

    Y’all. I know I’m not rocking your world when I tell you that 2020 sucked great big donkey balls. That’s no revelation. If you were taking the pandemic even the least bit seriously then you, like me, were largely staying home, sitting on your hands, and thinking about how much you’d like to get out…

  • WorldCon or bust!

    WorldCon or bust!

    Heya folks. I’ve been a little lax in posting last month. This is mostly by design, since I’m in the middle of a two month push to finish the second draft of Impervious. I’m doing pretty good so far. I’ve gotten about five more chapters finished, with an unknown number left. But I’m coming up…

  • 2014 in Review

    2014 in Review

    I don’t know about you, but its been a pretty good year in House Swanson. We went to Phoenix Comic-con and had a blast with the Edge of December crew, despite the state being filled to the brim with creatures whose only purpose is to kill. I’m not even talking about the con attendees. I…